This collection is heavily influenced by our beaches and what is currently happening to them. Beaches and oceans around the world are being used as trash dumps. Beach pollution is far too common and has not improved much over the years. Soon the entire planet will ultimately become our trash bin. Plastic in the ocean over time will break down into what are called “microplastics” or “microbeads,” that a lot of marine life will mistake for food. So many creatures end up dead or deformed from eating these microbeads and the trash in general. It breaks my heart because I adore the ocean and the marine life within it.

I’ve aways found there to be so much beauty and mystery in the deep blue. I have always felt this sort of connection with water and it’s creatures. The beach is my happy place, hence why it absolutely pains me to see what we as humans have done to poison them. In this collection, I want to display a contrast between the ugly reality that is poluted waters, oil covered and garbage-filled bellies of animals that grace the sand and seas, and overall destruction, rivaling against the hopeful future in which I would love to see the ocean and beaches restored to their former glory. Garments will be replicating the devastation of the beach and ocean life, up against garments that would symbolize the true beauty and nature of our beaches.