Hello, my name is Maya Coleman. Born and raised in San Francisco, The Bay Area, I have constantly been exposed to communities flourishing with diversity, creativity and new ideas. I also come from a mixed-race lineage that has filled my life and upbringing with such rich culture, including Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Filipino from the Hawaii Islands.

The fashion industry creates an immense amount of waste, greatly harming the environment and therefore harming us too. I took a three year break from designing not long after learning the true cost of fashion. I began reflecting on myself and whether or not I wanted to further contribute to this problem. I have now returned with a new outlook on how I create. Sustainability in fashion has become the main focus in my practice.

I consider myself a zero-waste designer. My techniques include up-cycling, using dead-stock fabrics and materials, zero-waste pattern drafting, and more. I have found the process of zero-waste design to be like solving a puzzle. One could say that trying to solve this climate crisis is like trying to solve one giant puzzle, and I am in the process of fitting my piece in. I want to do my part in helping to preserve this beautiful planet that we take for granted, while continuing to make beautiful art.

My goal as a designer is to ultimately make change in the industry. I want to push fashion and sustainability further into the mainstream culture, to exhibit how conscious design can be gorgeous and can help educate those along the way.


Join me in trying to solve the puzzle
